Already using Salesforce, but it’s not quite right? Our Salesforce audit is a flat-fee package designed to give you insight into your system’s strengths and weaknesses.
Discovery Meeting: Before we dive in, we meet with your team’s key Salesforce users to talk through the problems you’re seeing. Maybe you can’t find the constituent records you need, have inconsistent reporting, or just don’t know where to begin. Hearing from you helps direct our audit efforts effectively.
Audit: Our experienced team gets into the weeds of your Salesforce instance. We look at everything from duplicate and incomplete constituent records to automations that may not work as expected. Our audit report guides you through each item and helps you see, item by item, how your organization is doing.
Follow Up: Not all audits result in projects, but most do. We use the audit as a springboard for a targeted, streamlined proposal that gives your team exactly the assistance you need. We can also set you up to be empowered (and save some money!) by tackling some of the audit tasks internally.